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Jemma Solomon
4 reviews
Sells crap labels and let’s be honest she only does well cos of who ....Cling on
This woman is just stringing along in her sisters shadow! She literall....Read all reviews for label.lady.1
Nikki Ryan
3 reviews
Lazy and narcissistic influencer with nothing original to offer
Nikki is a very lazy content creator rolling out the same “lost 3 st....2.5 stars
I agree she flutters between brands and is so inconsistent. She advert....Read all reviews for fopperholic
Mrs Hinch
33 reviews
FAKE WOMAN....Very bad
Mrs Hinch constantly promotes dangerous things and puts herself and he....Read all reviews for mrshinchhome
Kate Hayes
10 reviews
Entertaining and Consistent
Enjoy her content...consistent and entertaining. She puts up with an a....Disgusting human being.
This so called influencer is one of the most disgusting human beings a....Read all reviews for katehayesmakeup
Imogen Horton
2 reviews
Dramatic,over the top attention seeker.....Narcissistic idiot
Imos life is all fairy dust and butterflys, that's what she'd have you....Read all reviews for imogenation_
Stacey Solomon
16 reviews
Used to be an ace
Stacy was once a funny and nice person but over time has become more e....Gross that’s all I c an say
Sickened by the favouritism of her new daughter anyone would think she....Read all reviews for staceysolomon
Rebecca Lamb
5 reviews
Companies Should Be Aware...
Some very concerning behaviour from this 'influencer' and her boyfrien....Love her house
Really do like her house in the Dales but other than that there's not ....Read all reviews for rebeccaellenlamb
The Radford Family
5 reviews
This family has freaked me right out since they first appeared on tell....Bizarre
The oddest family on social media! Poor sue has been nothing but an ov....Read all reviews for theradfordFamily
Sarah Ingham
3 reviews
Lying, unfit excuse for a mother
I have never seen a family channel on YouTube so unkept before. As lon....A woman with narcissistic tendencies and enables her husband’s behaviour.
Sarah Ingham is the wife to Chris Ingham of The Ingham Family. She....Read all reviews for sarahinghamofficial
Lorna Luxe
1 reviews
100% Liar
Sadly shills a life of luxury when she lies about everything, they are....Read all reviews for lornaluxe