3 years ago
"Bots ads filters"
To sum up this account in 3 words…
Bots - check out the followers, many are obvious fake accounts
Ads - the account is just a sales account, more adverts than YouTube
Filters - anything she advertises will have a filter so don’t get excited as it won’t look the way it does when you buy it
I had the misfortune of being gifted her book for some reason my mum was led to believe I liked this vapid woman, despite it being ghost written it was still poorly written and so many holes in her stories it’s unreal! If you think this woman likes you I think you are very daft
Her kids are beautiful but she is very lacklustre with parenting and lax on protecting them definitely not a good instagrammed and one to avoid, the hype is not worth it

3 years ago
I think this woman knows exactly what she's doing. She has suckered in her followers to believe she is their friend and cares about them. And then once she sucks them in, she keeps them feeling sorry for her by playing and anxiety card or the troll card. It's all a ploy to keep the followers onside and buying the things she is promoting.
She is supposed to be a cleaning account, though there's precious little of that these days. However a lot of the stuff she does is patently unsafe if not downright dangerous ie mixing chemicals in a toilet. All done to advertise as many products as possible with never a thought for the consequences. When she is made aware of the dangers of what she has done, she does not inform her followers that she has made a mistake, she ignores it, so that her followers carry on unsafe practices in ignorance. This is unforgivable, she, as a woman with a massive platform, has an absolute responsibility to her followers.
I also despise the way she involves her children and exploits then for her own material gain. Children are innocents, they cannot agree or disagree to being put on public view. Half the time their
poor little bodies are put on the stories in various stages of undress, it makes me shudder. It is child abuse and should be stopped until they reach an age where they can consent.
She is a money grabbing, vile creature who is most certainly not what she seems. She is who she is on Instagram merely to get the followers onside, I can't stand her. Out of all the influencers she is by far the worst.

3 years ago
"Oh my days"
Oh my days how this woman gets away with what she does is unbelievable from not declaring ads and advertising make up with heavy filters it’s honestly a joke !!
Her fan base are just as mad several times she’s been called out for her actions including the worst which is featuring her kids all the time her fans say she doesn’t deserve it but can’t justify why using your kids private life for clout is acceptable!
She has no consideration for the environment and tries to be relatable by keeping it to bargain shops but them going and buying massive Hauls
Her books could be written by a toddler and are full of lies
There has never been an honest word from this influencers mouth and her followers are either very strange calling themselves aunts or appear as Middle Eastern men very suspicious
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3 years ago
"Doesn’t deserve the scrutiny"
I really like Mrs Hinch. Yes, her channel isn’t as cleaning focussed anymore but, is what she doing really that wrong? Does it warrant all of the hate that is spat about her? No not at all. I think she comes across as funny, down to earth and genuine. If you don’t like her then don’t watch her
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Sally 1960
3 years ago
"Mean Girls"
Mrs Hinch is hanging off Stacey Solomons coattails which is probably because they are cut from the same cloth though I would say Hinchliffe is the original Regina George.
Everything about this account shocks me. If this was a reported to social services and this person did not have a huge following and money, there would be concerns.
Seems to think she is above nhs advice, shown weaning both her children way before the recommended age. My children were born when they Could be weaned at this age but even I know to follow current advice and recognise my children were at more risk of all the research risks now. Gives the children inappropriate aged toys (if any, no colour stimulation to fit her aesthetic) seen putting her son in a dangerous car seat unsuitable for his age.
There is no saving grace for her. Like all mothers we make mistakes but she chooses to ignore it and leave this dangerous advice/influence out there. A woman I believe has a very narcisstic personality.
Shameless with using her children for the cute factor. Very odd lady with an even more strange following

3 years ago
"The fairytale that is a lie"
Sophie Hinchliffe is an excellent sales woman and nothing else. At a push, I would also say she is an excellent actress. Sophie has managed to convinced millions she has no idea how she came to find her influencer status despite having an extensive career in sales pre influencer fame.
Sophie has a toxic following. This is due to Sophie herself who has set her Hinch Army on anyone who dares questions her ethics and morals. These fans claim they are aunties to her children. This would be enough to take any good mother away from the influencer world, or at least take measures to protect her children.
The account is full of adverts, a lot undeclared under the guise of her “just learning” a line she often trots out when she makes yet another “‘mistake”
Books are ghost written and some are advertised as self help books when they are just note pads.
Stay away, this is a cult and nothing else.

3 years ago
"Has to be a joke"
This account has got to be a joke LOOOOLL the fact so many people fall for this nahh… 4.1 million followers and a quick scroll through them shows empty profiles, Middle Eastern men, accounts with weird photos and porn account??? I smell a bot buyer
What even is the account anymore? Child exploitation? Cleaning? Laughing at the useless unemployed husband? Promoter of neglecting dogs!! Shocking
Knows full well she can’t advertise skin care products with filters so just uses the filter outside of Instagram before uploading so you can’t see the name! People report to asa nothing done about as fake as you can get when it comes to influencing

3 years ago
"Too big for her boots!"
Mrs Hinch started off as a cleaning account, I was quite taken in at first but she came across as so down to earth & grateful for her influencer status, but a few yrs on she just seems extremely grabby all the time, getting free items, never gives anything away to her followers, most followers seem fake ‘bots’ if you disagree with any of her fans you are bombarded with abuse, she filters everything including her poor children, she does tutorials on makeup with a filter on & I was under the impression this isn’t allowed? She doesn’t put ‘ad’ on any of her items she sells on her Instagram especially those from a supermarket she is currently working with, her children she never seems to look after & just palms off on her husband who doesn’t seem to work & her mum, I’m sure she actually did an undisclosed ad for a bingo company not long ago as well, all her vids on Instagram also seen pre-records, nothing wrong with that but just own it, I unfollowed at the start of the year as she was breaking lockdown rules all the time as well!

3 years ago
"Compulsive Liar"
I could honestly ramble on for hours about this but I’m going to summarise it.
Mrs Hinch is a compulsive liar. She’s lied about little things and huge things. She lies to everybody, including herself, and she lies frequently. Daily.
Do not believe a single word she says.
She will manipulate anybody to get what she wants. What she wants is fame, adoration and money.
If you’re one of the people currently under her spell, please do some research. She doesn’t care about you, she isn’t your friend. All you’re doing is handing her your hard earned money while she laughs her way to the bank with bags of it in her claws.
Even if you bought her book or her clothes and you told everyone she’s lovely, it’s okay to admit you were wrong about someone. Don’t be embarrassed to change your mind. And trust me, you will.

3 years ago
"Where's the cleaning?"
She's supposed to be a cleaning account, but since having children is now more parenting. Sophie had made a fortune before having children with her books of lists which fair play if someone wants to waste money on that. But it was totally not needed to start selling her children online and calling "shoppers" that lost their own children aunts of hers - she'll never meet these strangers. There really should be a law to protect children from being used for adverts online by their own parents. Giving 2 stars as there is still hope - if she stopped sharing the children and went back to cleaning she'd still be a multi millionaire.