3 years ago
"Unethical "Fashion Blogger" Who Publishes One Cash Grab After the Next"
Victoria is a perfect example of why people in general don't like Influencers. Any authenticity she had was dropped by the wayside out of pure greed.
She used to offer a unique, relatable voice to the digital space back before she got sucked into the world of gifted everything and deceptively tricking people into using affiliate links at every turn. And when I say she's gifted everything, I mean everything! Her tv, her wall paint, her groceries, her makeup and clothes (obviously), her tiles, her nails, her brows, her hair, her laser treatments, her sound system, her kitchen appliances, her flower vases, her candles, her underwear -- I could go on for days.
And what's particularly unethical with all these freebies is the way she bucks the rules when it comes to disclosing gifted items on the platform where she has her largest audience - Instagram. Items she'll acknowledge as gifted on YouTube or her blog will NOT be disclosed as "pr" in a good 90% of her content.
Everyone understands that we need money to live and that blogging has become a "business". But it's really a shame to see someone who used to offer value to her readers basically transform her entire life into a constant running (largely undisclosed) ad.